The Counselling Program provides individual and/or family counselling for youth ages 12-19, who are on Probation or involved in Youth Justice programming at AYSP, and experiencing mental health challenges. Sessions are office-based and/or virtual and length of service may range between 6 to 12 months, as determined by client needs and goals.
Goals of the Program
- To support and empower youth to effectively manage their mental health concerns
- To improve youth’s capacity to effectively cope and manage their emotions and behaviours, in order to reduce the risk of further involvement with the Youth Justice system
- To improve youth’s relationships with family, peers and the community
- To assist youth and their families to understand, cope with and resolve the impact of past trauma, as required
Inclusionary Criteria
- Youth ages 12-19 yrs.
- Youth referred via Halton or Peel Probation, or AYSP Youth Justice programs
- Youth experiencing mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, behavioural issues such as aggression, impulse control and oppositional behaviour, history of trauma
- Youth who voluntarily agree to participate in counselling
Exclusionary Criteria
- Youth who are actively suicidal, homicidal or in need of immediate crisis stabilization
- Where the safety of the Counsellor cannot be ensured
Referral Sources
Halton and Peel Probation and AYSP Youth Justice programs
Referral Process
A youth’s Probation Officer from Halton or Peel completes a referral form and sends the referral to the AYSP Youth Intake Specialist.
AYSP Youth Justice program staff working with clients who meet eligibility requirements can make a referral via the Internal Transfer Protocol.
The Program Supervisor is available to answer any questions regarding the referral process or program criteria.